Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Halo. Selamat Sore~
Satu lagi novel yang aku baca dari semalem dan baru khatam tadi siang. Yap! Judulnya Critical Eleven karyanya Ika Natassa. Bagi yang belum baca, aku rekomendasiin buat baca novel ini.
Untuk sekarang, aku share beberapa kutipan-kutipan menarik dulu dari novel ini, nanti lain waktu baru sempat share resensinya.
Ini diaaaaa...
1. Toko buku itu bukti nyata bahwa keragaman selera bisa kumpul di bawah satu atap tanpa harus saling mencela.
2. But life is a series of coincidences anyway, right?
3. Let your guard down and let yourself fall for something as random as a stranger's smile.
4. This is another thing that travel does to you. The sheer joy of laughing freely with a complete stranger. Just because laughing is a pretty good idea at the moment.
5. Memory is a good servant, but a really bad master.
6. When memory plays its role as a master, it limits our choices. It closes doors for us.
7. Never been this serious my whole life.
8. I already forgot how I used to feel about you.
9. Saat kita berbohong satu kali, sebenarnya kita bohong dua kali. Bohong yang kita ceritakan ke orang, dan bohong yang kita ceritakan ke diri kita sendiri.
10. Man of a few words, my dad.
11. Orang yang membuat kita paling terluka biasanya adalah orang yang memegang kunci kesembuhan kita.
12. When it works, we're a pretty good team, aren't we?
13. Anyone who falls in love is searching for the miasing piecea of themselves. So anyone who's in love gets sad when they think of their lover. It's like stepping back inside a room you have fond memories of, one you haven't seen in a long time.
14. Travel is not being afraid to fall in love with a complete stranger.
15. Travel is discovering that random act of kindness does exist.
16. Travel is the same pair of jeans for a week and different experiences every day.
17. Travel is deciding who will be the last call before you take off and the first call after you landed.

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